
Spectalite GmbH

Waldhofer Str. 102
DE - 69123 Heidelberg

Geschäftsfeld: Herstellung/Produktion
Branchenzugehörigkeit: Rohstoffdistribution/-handel/-compounding
nature2need, located in Heidelberg, Germany with its manufacturing units in Zhejiang, PR China, is a global supplier of biopolymers, bio-blends and natural fiber reinforced compounds and sheets; preferred reinforcements are mechanically extracted bamboo fibers and rice husk; preferred fillers are natural minerals. Different grades are available for applications in various industries, like automotive, personal care, houseware, kitchenware, toys, outdoor, agriculture and gardening industry.
Recently, nature2need launched its new bio-compound Bioblend LT25B, a biopolymer that is compostable in industrial compost conditions according to EN 13432 for Europe and ASTM D 6400 for North-America. The Bioblend grade is a blend of different biopolymers, modified with mineral fillers. Main base polymer of the compound is PLA The compound is very easy to process with industry-relevant cycle times on standard equipment and injection moulds. A quick, in-line annealing process, right after demoulding, is suitable to get all parts heat-stable up to 110 °C HDT-B. nature2need´s right choice of different biopolymers, natural additives that work as nucleating agents and natural, highly-effective compatibilizers guarantuee a quick and efficient material crystallization to meet high-heat requirements. The material is food-contact safe.
Bioblend LT25B targets to replace traditional, fossil-based plastics that are used in single-use items, like cutlery, food-containers, drinking cups, etc. Single-use applications made with non biodegradable materials are already or will be banned in a lot of countries very soon. There are a few alternatives to traditional, single-use plastics parts on the market, most of them are either very expensive or are not performing well. Especially thermal stability at temperatures around 70 – 100 °C is a problem with most of the eco-friendly alternatives. Products made with Bioblend LT25B compounds can even be re-used a couple of times, a camping holiday or a few dish-washer cycles are no problem, even for thin-walled parts.


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